Our PVC Box Columns can be built in almost any size. They can be either square or octagonal. They can also be Plain, Fluted, Raised Panel, and Recessed Panel or a combination of styles.
We use cellular PVC in the construction of our columns. Cellular PVC is impervious to moisture and insects and will not rot, split or delaminate. The possibility of design is limited only by your imagination. All of our columns are made to your specifications. Whether it is a standard column or custom in every detail you will get the same quality of construction on each column. We have available other accessories for your home such as porch valences, outdoor lamp posts and mailbox posts to match your columns or decorative brackets to enhance the style of your home. We manufacture many different PVC millwork products for exterior applications.
Just let us know what you want and we can almost certainly manufacture it.
Click here for a flyer of a couple of projects we have done.
Click Here for our product brochure.
Email us or call us at 1-800-366-8239 for a quote or if you have any questions about our products.